New Year’s Celebration in Summer

Waterfalls generate positive ions that are an instant clarity break. Click play and experience it for yourself! These falls can be visited only by helicopter. They were featured in the opening of the first Jurassic Park movie and are called Manawaiopuna Falls.

Half-way through the year – how’s it going?

As we run full speed into the second half of 2019, it is a good time to pause and take stock.

Here are three questions for a mid-year Clarity BreakTM

  1. Is our organization on track for its goals?
  2. Are course corrections needed?
  3. Am I living my best life?

Manawaiopuna FallsMost of us have more we need to do in any given day than we can actually accomplish.

This means we are constantly prioritizing, or just throwing ourselves at the next thing on the list, or the next urgent surprise.

Being busy is part of having big dreams; being overly busy distorts our perspective.

Make a couple of hours for yourself.

Create a midsummer celebration of accomplishments so far this year, a powerful quiet time to really dig into your numbers and goals, and to survey the business or industry landscape.

Be dispassionate. Breathe.

Are you where you envisioned yourself and your organization to be?

Also, please, for the sake of everyone who depends on you and for your own sake, ask the third question. Use the EOS Life description:

“Doing what I love, with people I love, having an impact, being paid appropriately, and still having time and energy for other passions.”

Be sure to allow for inspiration, ideas from left field, a fresh view. Taking this time is a refreshing as a cool waterfall on a hot day. It will make the rest of 2019 a richer, more successful experience.

Then refresh your vision for the remainder of the year by pausing with your leadership team to review the same questions (we call that meeting a Quarterly in EOS).


If you find yourself off track after answering these questions, we can help! Request a complimentary introduction to the EOS System.



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