Never enough time!

Save-Time-Set-PrioritiesIt’s about ENERGY and PRIORITIES, not TIME!

My client had to dig out after grappling with a medical situation, and couldn’t spend even a day sorting things out.   No time to implement a whole process of time management (yes, ironic, I know).  This is what we did instead.  Simple but effective.

Lynda’s stripped down, KISS way to Master Time


1. Take good care of yourself (add one new good habit this week).

2. Set just one non-reactive priority today, do it, celebrate it!  Build up to 3, then 5 a day.

3. Spend 30-45 minutes planning your week.



4. Spend 30-45 minutes to plan your month.

5. Take 1 day a year to connect with your deepest priorities.  Write them down.  Review them during #4.

I promise, if you just start with those 3, things will begin to unsnarl.  It did for her!

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