It’s Simple: Don’t Limit Your Options

Sharing coffee and shop-talk with commercial realtor Brooks Morris, we were digging into the challenges of helping businesses that don’t have good planning skills, or think they don’t have the time and bandwidth to make a plan.

Brooks was telling me it works so much better for him to build relationships 2-3 years out so that people have time to absorb and weigh options. He’s known plenty of business leaders who have 3 people set up at desks in the conference room, then call 6 months before their lease is up. The result? Their move becomes an all-absorbing, momentum-draining scramble.

Brook Morris quoteEver had that experience?  It can happen in so many components of our business – cash flow, staffing, projects… When we allow the tyranny of every day’s demands to prevent planning time we don’t save time – we just think we do. Build a regular habit of meeting with your leadership team to get up above the tangle of demands coming at you.

At EOS we use the Meeting Pulse™ as a simple, practical tool to get out of the scramble. Then we see peace of mind invade the company’s leaders! Try it – you’ll love it!

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