Have you ever noticed that in a given day more comes at you than any human being could possibly handle?

If you are a leader in a small to mid-sized company, you are probably wearing so many hats you can even forget which one you’ve got on at the moment! Gino Wickman, who wrote Traction: Get A Grip On Your Business, discovered that if the leaders of an organization get strong in Six Key Components™ they will find the 137 things coming at them every day begin to develop into a manageable challenge. In previous articles, I’ve talked about how to strengthen the Traction, Vision and People components. Now let’s turn to two of the less sexy but essential underpinnings of any successful company: Data and Process.

Du Bois Quote



I’ve watched so many clients come into good relationship with the key numbers of their company. It gives them the data they need to make decisions about what’s most important to do today, tomorrow and next week. Once you have right numbers identified, and a simple but accurate way to collect them every week you’ll be amazed at how much more in control you’ll be. They become the rudder you use to steer your ship – and as everyone you work with learns their key numbers, your whole team will put their effort in the same direction. Then – pure magic!

Next up: Process (bet you can hardly wait!!)

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