Conquer the 8 Gaps = No Paralysis

We all want the same things: happiness, financial well-being, health, connection, impact. That’s why we started our own businesses.

And we all experience not doing what we know we should and/or doing things that get in our way. What the heck is that about? Here are some ways to help yourself.

First, get clear about priorities. Leadership teams I work with learn to MOVE. Not in the way of “busy being busy” but on the path of putting their energy into rowing in the same direction. It takes practice as a team, and some patience. The system I use, EOS®, solves the priorities problem and sets new, productive habits for the organization.

Which brings us to the second thing: individual growth and change. Often, leaders hit personal ceilings that impact their whole team as well as their own success.  I recently heard Alejandro Tornato, an inspiring speaker, share John Maxwell’s 8 growth gaps. It made me think of so many business leaders I have known, and I found it useful for myself so I’m sharing it here.

The essence of it is that we often know what we need to do, but are paralyzed – by too many priorities, by fear, by habit.

What Maxwell has learned in his decades of work with leaders addresses the things that stump us as individuals. He calls them the Growth Gap Traps. They cause paralysis; they cause procrastination. They block us because our brain is built to use them to protect us from the unknown, the different.

If you are feeling paralyzed, investigate one or more of The Growth Gaps.

  • Assumption – we assume we’ll grow automatically so don’t need to pay attention to our personal development. We’ve got a company to run after all. Nope. Needs attention. Yes, another priority to carve out time for, but every bit as urgent and important as eating, sleeping and breathing. (Yes, that’s a whole ‘nother topic for another day!)
  • Knowledge – not sure what to do next, or how to do this new thing? My first management mentor explained that leadership was about making decisions without enough information (and often without enough time or budget either). It’s always good to understand how strongly we need more facts. I love the Kolbe A™ assessment for its direct information about our how our level of need for fact finding affects how we act.
  • Timing – will it ever be the right time? “Do the thing and you will have the energy to do the thing” (Alejandro’s modernizing of Ralph Waldo Emerson). Yesterday would have been better to get this thing done, but now, right now, is what we have to work with!
  • Mistake – I might do it wrong. We talk about failing forward but we hate the idea of actually experiencing it. Yet it is to the bold, with a path of failures behind them, that success comes.
  • Perfection – The flip side of Mistake. Once I’m ready to do it perfectly, I’ll go. Nope. Sometimes you just got to take a deep breath and leap!
  • Inspiration – Sigh. Not feeling it. Maybe tomorrow. Take one small step today anyway.
  • Comparison – Yes, there are people better than you are at this thing you’re trying to change to. Learn from them. Humility is a practice; build your humility muscle by hanging out with people who are better than you at whatever it is!
  • Expectation – The fact is, it’s often harder and takes longer than we thought it would. To quote Bob Newman – we just have to get over it! Keep going. Let the expectations become a spur to growth, not a sign of failure.

If you’re feeling stuck, let’s talk. My system of choice is the Entrepreneurial Operation System (EOS)® and I have a lot of other tools in my toolkit. I love to help entrepreneurs grow in their success and impact, so am more than happy to help you find a resource beyond me as well.

Keep growing!

~ Lynda




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