Archery is the art and science of hitting targets. For 1,300+ years, Tibetan archers have been competing to hit targets from a galloping horse running on uneven ground in unpredictable winds. How do they do it?
Litang*, who had just put arrows practically on top of each other during a single run, said…
“I saw the target. Then I simply sent my strongest line of energy toward it. The arrow goes where I send it, where the deepest drive inside me sends it. It is not luck or faith, but an act of precisely gathered focus. That’s my strongest line of energy.”
It is central to an archer’s training that the commitment of every part of their being – down to their electrons – guides the arrow.
Modern scientists can see how intense focus causes your neurochemicals to rework habits of thought and break down barriers to success.
Right now, take a minute. What do you most want or need to achieve by year end?
Take a moment, really see it, feel the strong feelings of accomplishment you get when you hit your target.
Be the Tibetan archer, undeterred by the physical impossibility of what they are doing (really, physicists say it can’t be done).
Do this as an experiment with yourself.
Then do the work to achieve your goal.
Return to the image and feeling of hitting that target frequently. I’d love to hear what your results are!
*Litang’s interview is described in the wonderful book Get Out of Your Own Way, by Robert K. Cooper
Photo courtesy of with permission: A participant in full stretch of his mounted archery stunt, Lithang Horse Festival. Want to see the real thing live and in person? Go to Explore Tibet and book an adventure!